The supreme purpose of history is a better world.~ Herbert Hoover

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Archdiocese Benchmark Assessment 2

Dear parents:

On Thursday February 14, 2013, students will be taking the Archdiocese Benchmark Assessment 2 in English and Math.  By establishing a rich and productive foundation for understanding student achievement, the assessment provides data needed by our teachers to monitor student learning.

As with any assessment, it is important that students get a good night rest and a well-balanced breakfast prior to coming to school on Thursday morning.  If you foresee your child being absent on Thursday, please send a note with them tomorrow so that he/she may take the benchmark assessment on Wednesday. 

It is St. Jerome’s goal to use the results from the Archdiocese Benchmark Assessments to promote action to accelerate progress toward annual goals and provide immediate information that can be used to help plan and guide subsequent instruction for our students.  

Thank you for your time,
Mr. Ortega
Jr. High Department Chair