The supreme purpose of history is a better world.~ Herbert Hoover

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Abbasid Dynasty Due date 11/25/09

Hello 7th graders,
For your chapter 4 lesson 2 activity, you will need to imagine that you live in Baghdad under the Abbasids. Your product will be to write a poem (81/2" x 11" paper) describing your lives and culture. You will need to have a minimum of 3 stanzas (Each stanza needs to focus on a different aspect of Abbasid life/culture.
Your poem will need to illustrate some of the cultural achievements of the golden age, and make use of Islamic design styles discussed in the reading.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Constitution Brochure

Hello 8th graders,
Please make sure to click on this link and download the Constitution Brochure directions. We will be going over the directions in class tomorrow along with choosing who will be your partner.

I have compiled a few videos that can aide in your understanding of the Bill of Rights. Please make sure to watch them.

** All Incomplete work/late work/missed absent work not submitted by Friday will turn into a 0%.