The supreme purpose of history is a better world.~ Herbert Hoover

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

The mystery of Written and Non written sources

The lesson on Primary, secondary, and non written sources taught us how sources can be applied to a historical event that has happened in the past. We can look at any event and give our own opinion about what may and may not have happened, but in the case of an event that happens, we turn to written and non written sources to give facts and details about an event that occurred in the past. Some people may ask why we place so much importance of primary and secondary sources.
People can barely remember what happens one week ago, so how would we remember what happened a long time ago. All these sources can describe and specify an event that could have happened a while ago or recently. Without the discovery of these resources, documenting an actual event would be hard to do, and we can make a big mess of history with any bias we may hold. Written and non-written sources could be like playing the telephone game. When playing telephone, one person whispers something in a friend's ear that they have to repeat to another friend, and so on. The message gets passes along correctly with the first few people, but the chance of someone getting it wrong increases with the number of people who repeat a message. Going back to primary sources is like going back to the first person in the telephone game because you are more like to get a more accurate source from the person who witnessed the event. Secondary sources are great to get a different perspective of the same event, but if we are not careful, we can pick up some exaggerated or biased information. Non written sources can also prove whether a point is true or not, based on the amount of information the source can give.

All in all, written and non written sources come in handy when you have something in history you want to document or save for later. We can always rely on these pieces of information to give us a glimpse into history. As the saying goes, "History is a cyclic poem written by Time upon the memories of man." History tells us what happens in the past, and if we use it wisely, it will help us make a better future.

-By Stephanie