As the school year ends, it is still important to prepare good study habits for next year. When you study, make sure there are no other distractions. This includes the TV, computer, and yes, your friends. I mean, I love all of those things too, but on your test, which do you want to remember, the history of Egypt or the shocking reveal on your favorite TV show?
Another good thing to remember is to spread out your studying time. It is better to study for twenty minutes for a week, rather than two hours before the test. It is also good to persevere. Trust me, it pays to work hard at this. If you really want that A, you have to work for it. Do you think all those straight A students get those A's from staring at the walls? If you are really not good at studying, work hard in class and review your notes later.
The last, and definitely not least tip to studying is to find a way of studying that helps you. If you are not soaking in any information the way you are studying... and it is showing up on tests too, find a way you like. And yes, there really is a fun way to study.
So do you want good grades? If the answer is yes (which it should be) follow these tips, work hard, and try having fun!
Good luck next year and enjoy your summer!
-Anonymous SJS student