The supreme purpose of history is a better world.~ Herbert Hoover

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veteran’s Day

Hello everyone,
Here is a speech I saved from a former SJS student.

Everyone needs a hero to look up to. Whether it’s Spider Man webbing his way across town, Super Man flying in the skies above us, or an ordinary individual who is caring, bold, and brave, we depend on them in times of need.

Veterans have done a lot in order to be named our heroes. They served our country through the sacrifice of joining a branch of the armed forces, which can become rough, frightening, and in worse cases, life threatening. They are loyal to our country, through the good and bad times. Regardless of the situation, they have the strength in them to make it through, and carry on. We would not be here today, honoring our veterans with pride if they had just given up. They have done so much for us, especially here in America, where we once fought long and hard years for our freedom and independence. Must we still honor our veterans from so long ago? The answer is yes, because their sacrifice, hard work, and dedication will ultimately have a lasting affect on our society. Not all people are as courageous and humble as our veterans.

Because of veterans, we are proud to call our country’s name “Home of the Brave”. Veterans truly do have bravery, or else they would not have been known as our heroes. But being a hero has nothing to do with just flying across the skies or defeating a country. To find a hero, you must look deep into the heart of someone and find goodness. You must look deep into the heart of a veteran or current members of the armed forces, and find not only goodness, but love, care, courage, loyalty, perseverance, and friendship. Many things in our world display different figures that we look up to as our hero, We must always remember that when most of these displays are false, distorted, and just not right. To look for a true hero, we can turn and look to our veterans.

We must not always dwell on fantasy. When we need a true friend to be there, someone loyal to our land, and a hero that truly saves your day, we can certainly always look to the work of our veterans and to those who are currently serving our forces.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mosaic projects

The mosaic is a very special historical artifact of the Byzantine
Empire and soon the world. The legacy was a powerful and simple one
so that us kids as a class can make one also. The student mosaics were made out of everyday materials. The class brought in many examples like some made of stones, tile, glass, paper, felt, and marble. In the Byzantine time they used mosaics for religious purposes. Now mosaics are used for home decorations, parties, pools, and hallways. They will continue to be used this way for 1000 years or more thanks to the very simple and powerful legacy that Emperor Justinian put for our world today.
The Byzantine Empire created an extraordinary art style that has remained popular throughout the generations and still is today. This art form, called a mosaic, is a picture made by other smaller pieces of things, usually glass or quartz. In this project, we were to create a mosaic of anything we wanted. The purpose of creating our own mosaic was to better understand and appreciate the art form. We thought it was very fun and the finished products looked really cool. Although, it definitely requires a lot of patience to create the pieces, getting each piece to a respectable size, then fitting them all together into the desired shape or design.
Mosaics are very beautiful works of art, I recently saw some at a church I visited. Also looking at some really famous ones like in the Hagia Sophia, makes me really think about how much time, effort, and hard work it must have taken to produce such a magnificent and lasting impression that this kind of art has.

It has been three years now that Mr. Shulman has been presenting mosaics as part of our understanding of the Byzantine Empire. It is a well known fact that mosaics were an important part of Byzantine culture. Although the mosaics did not originate with the Byzantine Empire, we have learned that the Byzantines created great art and architecture. We had a marvelous turnout of mosaics this year. Mr. Shulman did us the honor of demonstrating his craft with mosaics and really got the seventh graders motivated to go above and beyond their aesthetic skills. Thank you Mr. Shulman for giving us the inspiration to keep the legacy alive.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thematic Maps

Here are the finished products for the thematic maps. Everyone did a wonderful job with their finished products. Different cultures around the Mediterranean influenced one another through trade, travel, and wars.
These thematic maps show how exchanges made when two cultures meet. Students created a thematic map showing the cultural interaction between Persia, Rome, China, and India. Students drew symbols to represent goods, inventions, and ideas exchanged lines that show important routes arrows to show the direction of movement.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

ch2less3 Byzantine Empire ppt

Hello 7th graders,
Please make sure to copy these notes by tomorrow. You may begin answering the lesson review questions.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

ch2less 2 PPT guide 8th grade

Hello 8th grade,
Keep in mind the objectives discussed in class as you copy the notes from lesson 2. The notes begin with the Townshend Act of 1767. You should have taken notes in class on the Proclamation of 1763, The Quartering Act, and the Stamp Act of 1765.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

ch2 less 1

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Fall of the Roman Empire

-Discuss the role that the provinces played in strengthening and weakening the Roman Empire.
-Explain the causes and collapse of the Roman Empire.
-Explain why the Eastern Roman Empire survived and prospered.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The mystery of Written and Non written sources

The lesson on Primary, secondary, and non written sources taught us how sources can be applied to a historical event that has happened in the past. We can look at any event and give our own opinion about what may and may not have happened, but in the case of an event that happens, we turn to written and non written sources to give facts and details about an event that occurred in the past. Some people may ask why we place so much importance of primary and secondary sources.
People can barely remember what happens one week ago, so how would we remember what happened a long time ago. All these sources can describe and specify an event that could have happened a while ago or recently. Without the discovery of these resources, documenting an actual event would be hard to do, and we can make a big mess of history with any bias we may hold. Written and non-written sources could be like playing the telephone game. When playing telephone, one person whispers something in a friend's ear that they have to repeat to another friend, and so on. The message gets passes along correctly with the first few people, but the chance of someone getting it wrong increases with the number of people who repeat a message. Going back to primary sources is like going back to the first person in the telephone game because you are more like to get a more accurate source from the person who witnessed the event. Secondary sources are great to get a different perspective of the same event, but if we are not careful, we can pick up some exaggerated or biased information. Non written sources can also prove whether a point is true or not, based on the amount of information the source can give.

All in all, written and non written sources come in handy when you have something in history you want to document or save for later. We can always rely on these pieces of information to give us a glimpse into history. As the saying goes, "History is a cyclic poem written by Time upon the memories of man." History tells us what happens in the past, and if we use it wisely, it will help us make a better future.

-By Stephanie

Thursday, September 16, 2010

ch1less 4 Life in the English Colonies

Hello 8th graders,
With lesson 4, you will have to recall some of the problems that existed in lesson3 with the earlier colonists. (lack of food, illness, weather) Make sure to read over the thinking focus or lesson review question #1, and focus on the regional, social, and economic position of each colony. Use this PowerPoint guide to take additional notes on why there were similarities and differences between the colonies in different regions.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Europeans and Native Peoples

Hello 8th graders,
As we cover lesson 3, try to predict ways in which Indians and colonists helped each other and reasons why they were in conflict. Here is the PPT guide for the reading.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hatchet plot ppt

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Class of 2013 summer reading guidelines

Dear Parents and Students,

Congratulations on finishing the 2009-2010 school year! I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you. I hope you have an enjoyable summer and come back in late August re-energized, alert and prepared for the challenges of 6th grade. Part of the preparation for 6th grade Language Arts is summer reading. Each summer I encourage the students to read what they enjoy, whether that may be the Classics, mysteries, nonfiction or comedy. The goal is that the student is reading. I ask that all students return in August with a list of the books they have read: including title, author, pages, date started and date finished. I ask that the parents sign off each book as the student finishes. There is also a suggested reading list posted on the school website using the Junior High link ( You may download a reading log template from the 6th grade page.

In addition to the books each student chooses to read on his/her own, I am requiring that every student read the novel Hatchet by Gary Paulson. The book will be used to develop student’s reading, writing, thinking, listening, and speaking skills through a variety of assessments that will include exercises, activities, quizzes/tests. Furthermore, students will be introduced to the writing process and will be writing assignments, each with the purpose of informing, persuading, or expressing personal opinions.

The Borders at the Howard Hughes Center and the Barnes and Noble in the Marina have books in stock. Both stores’ websites have easy ordering capabilities as well. You may also be able to purchase a used copy of the book through “”

To be completely prepared for the start of the school year, the students need to arrive at school with informal notes about the main character (Brian Robertson) and complete the plot outline that may be downloaded from the St. Jerome Website (6th grade page.) The students have been briefed on these requirements and understand how to complete the plot questions. The students will use their notes on the character to aid them in their writing assignment once they return to school.

Thank you for your time and support. The students will enjoy the novel and the analysis we do in class. The theme of the story is relevant and the novel is a great opportunity to prepare the students for the upcoming year.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

8th grade scholarship Knights of Columbus

Attention 8th graders,
The Knights of Coumbus deadline for the scholarship is past due. They are making an exemption and it must be submitted to Mrs. Cobbs by tomorrow (Thursday) morning before 8:00am.

Click on this

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

8th chapter 9-3

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Egypt 7-2

Thursday, March 18, 2010

8th grade ch9-1

Egypt 7-1

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jacksonian Democracy political Cartoon

Hello 8th graders,
Your assignment for our topic on Jacksonian Democracy is to create a political cartoon based on the topics discussed in class and the reading.

Click here to get a copy of the Political Cartoon Analyzation Template.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Hello 8th graders,
We have finally completed lesson 3 and it is now time for you to create a political cartoon based on the topics discussed in class and the reading.

Click here to get a copy of the Political Cartoon Analyzation Template.

create a political cartoon illustrating American foreign policy from 1800 to 1825.
The Embargo Act
Non-Intercourse Act
The War of 1812
the gaining of new territory from Spain
the Monroe Doctrine

Complete the political cartoon template.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hello 8th graders,
I created a political cartoon analyzation template for each of you to complete and turn in with your political cartoons. Please click here to access and print out the analyzation template.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010